Monday, November 3, 2008

I am Thankful!

This is a month of Thanksgiving so I've decided I'm going to let everyone know things I'm thankful for.

The past month or so I've been praying to stop worrying about my future and be able to live in the NOW.  I've found that my little Ryker is my little angel.  He has been showing me the now and helping me to slow down and enjoy the little moments in life.  Adults believe that Life is crazy!!!  I've just realized that children know what life is truly about, they can enjoy just about anything because they are there.  They aren't worrying about what may happen tomorrow or what happened yesterday, all Ryker cares about is what he is doing now.  When I Really slow down and Really let go with him, I really find the joy in my life.

Thank you so much Ryker for helping me to learn about the joy we can find in life in every moment of the day.  Thank you Heavenly Mother and Father for giving me Ryker and MacKenzie, these are the greatest blessings of all.

1 comment:

Geena said...

Im thankful for having such an amazing friend in my life who realizes the things that truly mean the most... they may be "little" but they are the biggest and most important ever!! :) I love you!!!



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I'm sorry       Please forgive me       I love you       Thank you